Julian Fischer
Personal Homepage
Welcome to my homepage. As of October 2022, I am Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) near Vienna. My group works in the fields of applied analysis, theory of partial differential equations, and numerical analysis.

Since March 2021, my research is supported by the ERC Starting Grant "Bridging Scales in Random Materials".

Contact Details
Julian Fischer
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
AT-3400 Klosterneuburg

Office Building West, 3rd Floor, Room I21.03.123

t) ist.ac.atjulian.fischer (a

Current Group Members
Nicolas Clozeau, Postdoc
Jonas Ingmanns, PhD student
Erika Maringova, Postdoc
Maximilian Moser, Postdoc

Former Group Members
Antonio Agresti, Postdoc, now Postdoc at TU Delft
Federico Cornalba, Postdoc, now Lecturer (≅ tenure-track Assistant Professor) at Univ. Bath
Sebastian Hensel, PhD student, now Postdoc at Univ. Bonn
Michael Kniely, Postdoc, now Postdoc at WIAS Berlin
Alice Marveggio, PhD student, now Postdoc at Univ. Bonn